
Zagreb is made for strolling. Wander through the Upper Town’s red-roof and cobblestone glory, peppered with church spires. Crane your neck to see the domes and ornate upper-floor frippery of the Lower Town’s mash-up of secessionist, neo-baroque and art deco buildings.


Město, Panoráma Města, Architektura, Města

Transfer from/to Prague/C.Krumlov to/from Zagreb (7 hours and 30 min.)
Sedan: 600,- EUR (1-3 passengers)
Van: 800,- EUR (1-8 passengers)
Departure time: Please use the booking form for most suitable time for you
Pick up point: Anywhere in Prague/C.Krumlov
Alighting point: Anywhere in Zagreb


Karlstejn castle, 1 – 2 h. stop 30€ – 35€

This castle designated UNESCO World Heritage Site was built by the beloved king Charles IV to safeguard the Czech crown jewels, and the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire.

Castle, Karlstejn, Charles, Czech, Republic, Tower

Velka Amerika, Czech Grand Canyon, 0,5h – 1h. stop 25€ – 30€

Velka Amerika is a breathtaking limestone quarry 2,500 feet long, 500 feet wide and 250 feet deep with a 60 feet deep lake at the bottom. This is one of the most photogenic attractions in the Czech republic and is popular with photographers and movie makers.

Konopiste chateau, 1 h. stop 20€

Konopiště castle excels with rich collection funds, castle collections belong to the rarest in Europe. The chateau offers four tours, additional expositions (Museum of St. George, shooting range, thematic exhibitions) and visit the adjacent Rose Garden with greenhouses.


Cervena Lhota chateau, 1 – 2 h. stop 20€ – 30€

Červená Lhota is a Renaissance chateau in the small village. The unique colour of the chateau contrasts very nicely with the colour of the lake which surrounds it and the colour of the nearby trees. This beautiful scenery attracts thousands of visitors every year.


Ceske Budejovice, 1 – 2 h. stop 20€ – 30€

Home of the original Budweiser and the Old Town with one of the largest squares in Europe, measuring a full hectare.



Hluboka nad Vltavou castle, 1 h. stop 20€

The castle in Hluboka nad Vltavou is one of the most beautiful castle in country. The castle got its current romantic form influenced by English Windsor gothic in 19th century.


Cesky Krumlov, 2 h. stop 30€

The second most visited town in the Czech republic, a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992. One of the most picturesque towns in Europe. A stunning castle above the Vltava River, an old town square Renaissance and Baroque architecture, with tourists milling through the streets.

Linz, 1 – 2 h. stop 20 – 30€

Linz, the capital of Upper Austria and the country’s third largest city after Vienna and Graz, lies in an attractive location on the Danube River. Linz is remarkable for possessing a sizeable “Altstadt” (old town), featuring a rich cultural life with numerous museums and festivals, for being situated in an attractive landscape. The imposing Linz Castle has dominated the city for centuries.


Kutna Hora, 1,5 h. stop 30€

The symbol of Kutná Hora is the unique late Gothic Cathedral of St.Barbara. The ancient silver mining town is one of the most historically significant towns in the Czech Republic.


Cesky Stenberk, 1 h. stop 20€

Český Šternberk Castle, called the “Pearl of Posázaví”, towers above the central part of the river Sázava.


Trebic, 1 h. stop 25€

The St. Procopius´ basilica and the town’s Jewish Quarter were added to the list of UNESCO site.

Brno, 1,5 h. stop 30€

In the Second largest city of the Czech republic Brno, which is the city of music and a UNESCO heritage site, you will find two castles and many of interesting places and objects, headed by a functionalist jewel – Villa Tugendhat, a UNESCO monument.


Mikulov, 1 h. stop 20€

It is spread on the last hills of the Pálava Mountains and surrounded with vineyards. This is the centre of the Mikulov vineyard sub-area and wine is everywhere – in the scenic historical streets and in the chateau.